Gang Chen, Klaus-Dieter Liss, Peng Cao: "An In Situ Study of Sintering Behavior and Phase Transformation Kinetics in NiTi Using Neutron Diffraction" Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (2015), online, p.1-13, doi: 10.1007/s11661-015-3156-1
Klaus-Dieter Liss: "In-situ diffraction studies related to
thermo-mechanical processes" Proceedings of ICCE-23, Chengdu, ed. David Hui (2015), p. 457,1-2
Gang Chen, Klaus-Dieter Liss, Peng Cao: "An in situ
Study of NiTi Powder Sintering Using Neutron
Diffraction" Metals 2 (2015), p. 530-546, doi: 10.3390/met5020530
Scott R. Olsen, , Elliot P. Gilbert, Norman Booth, Stewart A. Pullen, Paolo Imperia, Vanessa K. Peterson, Ulf Garbe, Klaus-Dieter Liss, Vladimir Luzin, Anna M. Paradowska. "Novel Non Destructive Sample Analysis Techniques Using Neutron Scattering." In 8th Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics: ACAM 8, Barton, ACT: Engineers Australia; (2014), p. 723-730.
Ikuya Yamada, Hidenobu Etani, Makoto Murakami, Naoaki
Hayashi, Takateru Kawakami, Masaichiro Mizumaki,
Shigenori Ueda, Hideki Abe, Klaus-Dieter Liss, Andrew J.
Studer, Tomoatsu Ozaki, Shigeo Mori, Ryoji Takahashi,
Tetsuo Irifune: "Charge-Order
Melting in Charge-Disproportionated Perovskite CeCu3Fe4O12" Inorganic
Chemistry 53/21 (2014), p. 11794-11801.
Kun Yan, Dhriti Bhattacharyya, Qi Lian, Saurabh Kabra,
Megumi Kawasaki, David G. Carr, Mark D. Callaghan, Maxim
Avdeev, Huijun Li, Yanbo Wang, Xiaozhou Liao, Terence G.
Langdon, Klaus-Dieter Liss, Rian J. Dippenaar: "Martensitic
Phase Transformation and Deformation Behavior of
Fe–Mn–C–Al Twinning-Induced Plasticity Steel
during High-Pressure Torsion" Advanced
Engineering Materials 16/7 (2014), p.
927-932. doi/10.1002/adem.201300488
Klaus-Dieter Liss, Kun Yan, Mark Reid. "Physical
thermo-mechanical simulation of magnesium: An in-situ
diffraction study" Materials Science and
Engineering: A 601 (2014): 78-85.
doi: 10.1016/j.msea.2014.02.014
Gang Chen, Klaus-Dieter Liss, and Peng Cao. "In
Situ Observation and Neutron Diffraction of NiTi
Powder Sintering" Acta Materialia 67
(2014): 32-44.
Khushboo Rakha, Hossein Beladi, Ilana Timokhina,
Xiangyuan Xiong, Saurabh Kabra, Klaus-Dieter Liss, and
Peter Hodgson. "On Low Temperature Bainite
Transformation Characteristics Using in-Situ Neutron
Diffraction and Atom Probe Tomography" Materials
Science and Engineering: A 589 (2014):
doi: 10.1016/j.msea.2013.09.055
Ching-Tun Peng, Mark D. Callaghan, Huijun Li, Kun Yan,
Klaus-Dieter Liss, Tuan D. Ngo, Priyan A. Mendis, and
Chang-Ho Choi. "On the Compression Behavior of an
Austenitic Fe-18Mn-0.6C-1.5Al Twinning-Induced
Plasticity Steel" Steel Research International
84/12 (2013), p 1281-1287. doi:
Klaus-Dieter Liss, Dongdong Qu, Kun Yan, Mark Reid:
"Variability of Poisson's Ratio and Enhanced Ductility
in Amorphous Metal" , Advanced Engineering
Materials, 15/5,
(2013), p 347-351
doi: 10.1002/adem.201200216
T Schmoelzer, K-D Liss, C Kirchlechner, S Mayer, A
Stark, M Peel, H Clemens: "An in-situ high-energy
X-ray diffraction study on the hot-deformation
behavior of a beta-phase containing TiAl alloy"
, Intermetallics 39 , (2013), p
doi: 10.1016/j.intermet.2013.02.016
Timur Kandemir, Frank Girgsdies, Thomas C Hansen,
Klaus-Dieter Liss, Igor Kasatkin, Edward L Kunkes,
Gregor Wowsnick, Nikolas Jacobsen, Robert Schlögl, Malte
Behrens: "In
Situ Study of Catalytic Processes: Neutron Diffraction
of a Methanol Synthesis Catalyst at Industrially
Relevant Pressure", Angewandte
Chemie International Edition 52/19 ,
(2013), p 5166-5170
doi: 10.1002/anie.201209539
Timur Kandemir, Frank Girgsdies, Thomas C Hansen,
Klaus-Dieter Liss, Igor Kasatkin, Edward L Kunkes,
Gregor Wowsnick, Nikolas Jacobsen, Robert Schlögl, Malte
Behrens: "In-situ Untersuchung von katalytischen
Prozessen bei industriell relevanten Drücken:
Neutronenbeugung an einem Methanolsynthesekatalysator"
, Angewandte Chemie 125/19 ,
(2013), p 5271-5276
doi: 10.1002/ange.201209539
Saurabh Kabra, Kun Yan, David G. Carr, Robert P.
Harrison, Rian J. Dippenaar, Mark Reid, Klaus-Dieter
Liss: "Defect dynamics in polycrystalline zirconium
alloy probed in situ by primary extinction of neutron
diffraction" , Journal of Applied Physics
113 , (2013), 063513 (1-8) doi: 10.1063/1.4790177
D.D. Qu, K.-D. Liss, Y.J. Sun, M. Reid, J.D. Almer, K.
Yan, Y.B. Wang, X.Z. Liao, J. Shen: "Structural
origins for the high plasticity of a Zr-Cu-Ni-Al bulk
metallic glass" , Acta Materialia 61/1
(2013), p. 321-330.
doi: /10.1016/j.actamat.2012.09.062
H. Diao, C. Yan, J.M. Bell, L. Lu, G.P. Zhang, S.
Kabra, K.-D. Liss, M.W. Chen: "Compressive
behaviour of nanocrystallilne Mg-5%Al alloys" ,
Materials Technology 27/1 (2012), p. 85-87.
doi: 10.1179/175355511X13240279340688
T. Kandemir, D. Wallacher, T. Hansen, K.-D. Liss, R.N.
d'Alnoncourt, R. Schlogl, M. Behrens: "In situ
neutron diffraction under high pressure - Providing an
insight into working catalysts" Nuclear
Instruments and Methods A673 (2012), p.51-55,
doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2012.01.019
Kandemir, T., F. Girgsdies, I. Kasatkin, E. Kunkes,
K.D. Liss, V.K. Peterson, R. Schlögl, and M. Behrens:
"Heterogeneous catalysis under pressure - In situ
neutron diffraction under industrial conditions"
Journal of Physics: 5th European Conference on Neutron
Scattering 340 (2012).
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/340/1/012053
Thomas Schmoelzer, Klaus-Dieter Liss, Kun Yan, Andreas
Stark, Mark Reid, Matthew Peel, Helmut Clemens:
"Dynamic recovery and recrystallization during
hot-working in advanced TiAl alloy" , Practical
Metallography 2011 /12 (2011), p. 632-642
Saurabh Kabra, Kun Yan, Svea Mayer, Thomas Schmoelzer,
Mark Reid, Rian Dippenaar, Helmut Clemens, Klaus-Dieter
Liss: "Phase transition and ordering behavior of
ternary Ti-Al-Mo alloys using in-situ neutron
diffraction" , International Journal of
Materials Research 102/6 (2011), p. 697- 702, doi: 10.3139/146.110528
Dongdong Qu, Klaus-Dieter Liss,
Kun Yan, Mark Reid,
Jonathan D. Almer, Yanbo Wang,
Xiaozhou Liao, Jun Shen: "On the atomic
anisotropy of thermal expansion in bulk metallic
glass", Advanced Engineering Materials, 13
/9 (2011), p. 861-864 (+ Cover Page) .
doi: 10.1002/adem.201000349
doi: 10.1002/adem.201190022
Kun Yan, David G. Carr, Saurabh Kabra, Mark Reid, Andrew
Studer, Robert P. Harrison, Rian Dippenaar, Klaus-Dieter
Liss: "In- situ Characterization of Lattice
Structure Evolution during Phase Transformation of
Zr-2.5Nb " , Advanced Engineering Materials,
13 /9 (2011), p. 882-886 (+ Back Cover
doi: 10.1002/adem.201000350
doi: 10.1002/adem.201190023
Thomas Schmoelzer, Klaus-Dieter Liss, Peter Staron,
Svea Mayer, Helmut Clemens: "The Contribution of
High-Energy X-Rays and Neutrons to Characterization
and Development of Intermetallic Titanium Aluminides",
Advanced Engineering Materials, 13 /8 (2011),
p. 685-699.
doi: 10.1002/adem.201000296
T. Schmoelzer, S. Mayer, C. Sailer, F. Haupt, V.
Güther, P. Staron, K.-D. Liss, H. Clemens: "In-situ
diffraction experiments for the investigation of phase
fractions and ordering temperatures in Ti-44 at%
Al-(3-7) at% Mo alloys" , Advanced Engineering
Materials, 13 /4 (2011), p. 306-311.
doi: 10.1002/adem.201000263
Klaus-Dieter Liss: "OZ-ERL
- X-Rays of the Future: An Australian Energy
Recovery Linac", White Paper, Physics
Decadal Plan, Australian Academy of Science &
Australian Institute of Physics (2011).
Klaus-Dieter Liss, Xavier Thibault, Huijun Li, Phil
Bendeich: "Synchrotron
micro tomography reveals 3D shape of precipitates in
cast magnesium alloy", Journal of Materials Science and
Engineering 5 (2011) p 195-199.
Klaus-Dieter Liss, Kun Yan: "Thermo-mechanical
processing in a synchrotron beam", Materials
Science and Engineering: A, 528/1 (2010), p.
doi: 10.1016/j.msea.2010.06.017
Elena Pereloma, Laichang Zhang, Klaus-Dieter Liss, Ulf
Garbe, Jonathan Almer, Thomas Schambron, Hossein Beladi,
Ilana Timokhina: "Effect of thermomechanical
processing on the microstructure and retained
austenite stability during in situ tensile testing
using synchrotron X-ray diffraction of NbMoAl TRIP
steel", Solid State Phenomena 172-174
(2010), p. 741-746
doi: 10.4028/
K.-D. Liss: "Thermo-mechanical processing in a
synchrotron beam - from simple metals to multiphase
alloys and intermetallics" , World Journal of
Engineering, 7 /Sup2 (2010), P438.
K. Yan, D.G. Carr, S. Kabra, M. Reid, A. Studer, R.P.
Harrison, R. Dippenaar, K.-D. Liss: "In-situ characterization
of lattice structure evolution during phase
transformation of Zr-2.5Nb", World Journal of
Engineering, 7 /Sup2 (2010), P422.
T. Schmoelzer, K.-D. Liss, M. Rester, K. Yan, A.
Stark, M. Reid, M. Peel, H. Clemens: "Dynamic
Recovery and Recrysrallization during Hot-working in
an Advanced TiAl Alloy" , Praktische
Metallographie Sonderband 42 (2010) p.
Thomas Schmoelzer, Svea Mayer, F. Haupt, G.A. Zickler,
C. Sailer, L. Lottermoser, V. Güther, K.D. Liss,
H. Clemens: "Phase transition and ordering
temperatures of TiAl-Mo alloys investigated by in-situ
diffraction experiments", Materials Science Forum
654-656 (2010), p. 456-459.
doi: 10.4028/
Thomas Schmoelzer, Klaus-Dieter Liss, M. Rester,
K. Yan, A. Stark, W. Wallgram,
M. Reid, M. Peel, R. Dippenaar,
H. Clemens: "Dynamic recovery and
recrystallization of a multi-phase TiAl alloy during
thermomechanical processing" , ReX&GG
proceedings (2010), accepted.
Thomas Schmoelzer, Klaus-Dieter Liss, Gerald A.
Zickler, Ian J Watson, Laura M. Droessler, Wilfried
Wallgram, Thomas Buslaps, Andrew Studer, Helmut Clemens:
"Phase fractions,
transition and ordering temperatures in TiAl-Nb-Mo
alloys: an in- and ex-situ study",
Intermetallics, 18 /8 (2010) , p 1544-1552.
doi: 10.1016/j.intermet.2010.04.008
K.-D. Liss, T. Schmoelzer, K. Yan, M. Reid, M. Peel,
R. Dippenaar, H. Clemens: "In-situ study of dynamic recrystallization
and hot deformation behavior of a multi-phase titanium
aluminide alloy", Journal of Applied Physics,
106 /11 (2009), p 113526-(1-6), doi: 10.1063/1.3266177
K. Yan, D.G. Carr, M.D. Callaghan, K-D. Liss, H. Li: "Deformation mechanisms of
twinning induced plasticity steels: In situ
synchrotron characterization and modeling",
Scripta Materialia 62 /5 (2010), p. 246-249.
doi: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2009.11.008
Yong Li Sun, Dong Dong Qu, Ya Juan Sun, Klaus-Dieter
Liss, Jun Shen: "Inhomogeneous
structure and glass-forming ability in Zr-based bulk
metallic glasses", Journal of
Non-Crystalline Solids, 356 (2010), p. 39-45.
doi: 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2009.09.021
U. Garbe, O. Kirstein, A. Studer, V. Luzin, K.-D. Liss:
"Texture and Strain
Experiments at OPAL", Materials Science
Forum 638-642 (2010) p. 2823-2828.
doi: 10.4028/
I. J. Watson, K.-D. Liss, H. Clemens, W. Wallgram, T.
Schmoelzer, T. C. Hansen, M. Reid: "In situ characterization
of a Nb and Mo containing gamma-TiAl based alloy using
neutron diffraction and high-temperature microscopy"
, Advanced Engineering Materials, 11 /11
(2009), p. 932-937. doi: 10.1002/adem.200900169
K.-D. Liss, R. E. Whitfield, W. Xu, T. Buslaps, L. A.
Yeoh, X. Wu, D. Zhang, K. Xia: "In situ synchrotron
high-energy X-ray diffraction analysis on phase
transformations in Ti-Al alloys processed by
equal-channel angular pressing" , Journal of
Synchrotron Radiation, 16 (2009), p. 825-834.
doi: 10.1107/S090904950903711X
K. Yan, K.-D. Liss, U. Garbe, J. Daniels, O. Kirstein,
H. Li, R. Dippenaar: "From single grains to
texture" , Advanced Engineering Materials,
11 /10 (2009), p. 771-773 (+ Cover Page)
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Klaus-Dieter Liss, Thierry d'Almeida, Maik Kaiser,
Rainer Hock, Andreas Magerl, Jean Francois Eloy:
"Time-resolved x-ray diffraction study of
laser-induced shock and acoustic waves in single
crystalline silicon" , Journal of Applied
Physics, 106 , (2009), p. 044914. doi: 10.1063/1.3204968
K.-D. Liss, U. Garbe, H. Li, T. Schambron, J. D.
Almer, K. Yan: "In-situ observation of dynamic
recrystallization in the bulk of zirconium alloy"
, Advanced Engineering Materials, 11 /8
(2009), p. 637-640 (+ Cover Page) . doi: 10.1002/adem.200900094
+ doi: 10.1002/adem.200990021
Klaus-Dieter Liss, Arno Bartels, Helmut Clemens,
Andreas Stark, Thomas Buslaps,
Dominic Phelan, LaReine A. Yeoh: "In-situ
characterization of phase transformations and
microstructure evolution in a gamma-TiAl based alloy "
in: "Structural Aluminides for Elevated
Temperature Applications " (Eds. Young-Won Kim,
David G. Morris, Rui Yang, Christoph Leyens), TMS (The
Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), 2008, p.
137-144. Liss-2008-TMS.pdf
Y.J. Sun, D.D. Qu, Y.J. Huang, K.-D. Liss, X.S. Wei,
D.W. Xing, J. Shen: "Zr-Cu-Ni-Al bulk metallic
glasses with superhigh glass-forming ability" ,
Acta Materialia 57/4, (2009), p. 1290-1299.
doi: 10.1016/j.actamat.2008.11.007
H. Clemens, H.F. Chladil, W. Wallgram, G.A. Zickler,
R. Gerling, K.-D. Liss, S. Kremmer, V. Güther, W.
Smarsly: "In and ex situ investigations of the
beta-phase in a Nb and Mo containing gamma-TiAl based
alloy" , Intermetallics 16 /6 (2008),
p. 827-833.
doi: 10.1016/j.intermet.2008.03.008
K.-D. Liss, A. Bartels, H. Clemens, T. Buslaps, D.
Phelan, L. A. Yeoh: "Directional Atomic
Rearrangements During Transformations Between the
Alpha- and Gamma-Phases in Titanium Aluminides"
, Advanced Engineering Materials 10/4 (2008),
p. 389-392 (+ Cover Page) . doi: 10.1002/adem.200700322
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L. A.
Yeoh, K.-D. Liss, A. Bartels, H. F. Chladil, M.
Avdeev, H. Clemens, R. Gerling, T. Buslaps:
"In-Situ High Energy X-Ray Diffraction Study and
Quantitative Phase Analysis in the alpha+gamma Phase
Field of Titanium Aluminides" , Scripta
Materialia 57 (2007) p.
doi: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2007.08.021
H. F. Chladil , H. Clemens, G. A. Zickler, M.
Takeyama, E. Kozeschnik, A. Bartels, T. Buslaps, R.
Gerling, S. Kremmer, L. A. Yeoh, K.-D. Liss:
"Experimental studies and dynamic simulation of phase
transitions in high Nb containing gamma-TiAl based
alloys" , International Journal of Materials
(Zeitschrift für Metallkunde), 98/11
(2007), p. 1131-1137. doi: 10.3139/146.101569
Liss, H. Clemens, A. Bartels, A. Stark, T. Buslaps:
"Phase Transitions and Recrystallization in a
Ti-46at%Al-9at%Nb Alloy as Observed by In- Situ
High-Energy X-ray Diffraction" in
Advanced Intermetallic-Based Alloys, edited by C.L.
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Warrendale, PA, 2007), p. 0980-II05-07 .
Liss, A. Bartels, H. Clemens, S. Bystrzanowski, A.
Stark, T. Buslaps, F.-P. Schimansky, R. Gerling, A.
Schreyer: "A study of recrystallization and phase
transitions in intermetallic titanium aluminides by
in-situ high-energy X-Ray diffraction", THERMEC
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K.-D. Liss, B. Hunter, M. Hagen, T. Noakes, S.
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K.-D. Liss, A. Bartels, H. Clemens, S. Bystrzanowski,
A. Stark, T. Buslaps, F.-P. Schimansky, R. Gerling, C.
Scheu, A. Schreyer: "Recrystallization and phase
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H. G.
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Lippmann: "Texture determination of thin Cu-wires
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Chatterji, K.D. Liss, T. Tschentscher, B. Janossy, J.
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D. P.
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Beckmann, T. Lippmann, J. Metge, T. Dose, T. Donath,
M. Tischer, K. D. Liss, A. Schreyer. "HARWI-II,
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at HASYLAB/DESY", Synchrotron Radiation
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8: p. 392-395 . doi: 10.1063/1.1757816
Beckmann, T. Lippmann, K.-D. Liss, R. V. Martins, J.
Metge, A. Pyzalla, A. Schreyer, "High Energy
Materials Science" in
"PETRA III - A low emittance synchrotron radiation
source - Technical Design Report",
K. Balewski, W. Brefeld, W. Decking, H. Franz, R.
Röhlsberger, E. Weckert, Editor.
(2004), DESY, Hamburg, Germany: p. 287-302.
Liss, A. Bartels, A. Schreyer, H. Clemens, "High
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Haubold, K.-D. Liss, R. Hock, A. Magerl, M. Lorenzen,
M. Krisch,
"Intensity distribution of the eight-beam case of
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Liss, M. Kaiser, R. Currat, F. Denoyer, J. Hlinka, R.
"Kinetics of the field induced commensurate to
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36 : p. A172-A176.
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L. Arzel,
B. Hehlen, F. Dénoyer, R. Currat, K.-D. Liss, E.
"Observation of a sample dependent 37 K anomaly on
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J. Böhm,
A. Wanner, R. Kampmann, H. Franz, K.-D. Liss, A.
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Pyzalla, A. Jacques, J.-P. Feiereisen, T. Buslaps, T.
d'Almeida, K.-D. Liss, "In-situ
analysis of the microstrains during tensile
deformation of an AlSi-MMC at room temperature and
elevated temperature", Journal of
Neutron Research, (2001). 9: p. 435-442.
Liss, R. Hock, M. Gomm, B. Waibel, A. Magerl, M.
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B. Wilkins, P. D. Hatton, K.-D. Liss, M. Ohler, T.
Katsufuji, S.-W. Cheong, "High-resolution
high energy X-ray diffraction studies of charge
ordering in CMR manganites and nickelates",
International Journal of Modern Physics B, (2000).
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Pyzalla, W. Reimers, K.-D. Liss, "A
comparison of neutron and high-energy synchrotron
radiation as tools for texture and stress analysis",
Materials Science Forum, (2000). 347-349 :
p. 34-39.
Pyzalla, J. Wegener, K. B. Müller, K.-D. Liss,
"Influence of extrusion parameters on microstructure
and texture of AlSi25Cu4Mg1", Materials Science
Forum, (2000). 331-337: p. 781-786.
A. Pyzalla, J. Wegener, K. B. Müller, K.-D. Liss,
"Microstructure, texture and residual stresses of
hot-extruded AlSi-alloys" in "Microstructural
investigation and analysis", B. Jouffrey, J.
Svejcar, Editor. (2000), Wiley-VCH: p. 96-102.
Dantz, Ch. Genzel, W. Reimers, K.-D. Liss:
"Residual Stress Analysis in Metal/Ceramic
Functionally Graded Materials", The Sixth
International Conference on Residual Stress (ICRS-6),
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Liss, R. Hock, M. Gomm, B. Waibel, A. Magerl, M.
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Reimers, A. Pyzalla, M. Broda, G. Brusch, D. Dantz, T.
Schmackers, K. D. Liss, T. Tschentscher, "The
use of high-energy synchrotron diffraction for
residual stress analyses", Journal of Materials
Science Letters, (1999). 18: p. 581-583. doi: 10.1023/A:1006651217517
Pyzalla, W. Reimers, A. Royer, K.-D. Liss.
"Microstructure, texture and residual stresses after
cold extrusion - Application of white high-energy
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Proceedings of the 20th Risø International Symposium
on Materials Science . (1999). Risoe National
Laboratory, Denmark: p. 453-458.
N. Kernavanois, P. Dalmas de Réotier, A. Yaouanc,
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S. Goorsky, H. Yoon, M. Ohler, K.-D. Liss, "Defect
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W. Reimers,
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high-energy synchrotron radiation", Journal of
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Liss, A. Royer, T. Tschentscher, P. Suortti, A. P.
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high-energy X-rays", Journal of Synchrotron
Radiation, (1998). 5 : p. 82-89. doi: 10.1107/S0909049597013228
Liss, A. Magerl, R. Hock, B. Waibel, A. Remhof,
"The investigation of ultrasonic fields by time
resolved X-ray diffraction", Proceedings of
SPIE, (1998). 3451 : p. 117-127.
doi: 10.1117/12.331833
R. Hock, K.-D.
Liss, A. Magerl, O. G. Randl, A. Remhof,
"Neutron storage in a longitudinally vibrating
silicon crystal", Journal of
Applied Crystallography, (1998). 31: p. 223-234.
doi: 10.1107/S0021889897011771
T. Chatterji, K.-D. Liss, G. J. McIntyre, M.
Weiden, R. Hauptmann, C. Geibel, "The ground state
of NaV2O5
", Solid State Communications, (1998).
108 (1): p. 23-26.
doi: 10.1016/S0038-1098(98)00305-6
T. Chattopadhyay, K.-D. Liss, T. Brückel, "Incommensurate-commensurate
lock-in phase transition in EuAs3",
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, (1998).
177: p. 1058-1060. doi: 10.1016/S0304-8853(97)00797-X
Strempfer, T. Brückel, D. Hupfeld, J. R. Schneider,
K.-D. Liss, T. Tschentscher, "The non
resonant magnetic X-ray scattering cross section for
photon energies up to 500 keV",
Europhysics Letters, (1997). 40: p. 569-574.
doi: 10.1209/epl/i1997-00546-1
A. Remhof,
K.-D. Liß, A. Magerl, "Neutron
diffraction from sound excited crystals", Nuclear
Instruments and Methods, (1997). 391 (A): p. 485-491.
doi: 10.1016/S0168-9002(97)00411-7
Liss, A. Magerl, A. Remhof, R. Hock, "Ultrasound
induced gradient crystals observed by high-energy
X-rays", Acta Crystallographica, (1997). A
(53): p. 181-186. doi: 10.1107/S010876739601327X
Liss, A. Magerl, R. Hock, A. Remhof, B. Waibel, "Towards
a new (Q, t) regime by time-resolved X-ray
diffraction: ultra-sound excited crystals as an
example", Europhysics Letters, (1997). 40
(4): p. 369-374. doi: 10.1209/epl/i1997-00473-7
T. Tschentscher, T. Buslaps, P. Fajardo, V. Honkimäki,
M. Kretzschmer, K.-D. Liss, A. Mauro, J. McCarthy, M.
Renier, A. Shukla, P. Suortti,
"High-energy X-ray scattering experiments" ESRF
Newsletter, (March 1996). 25: p. 30-33.
Strempfer, T. Brückel, U. Rütt, J. R. Schneider, K.-D.
Liss, T. Tschentscher, "The non resonant magnetic
X-ray scattering cross section of MnF2.
2: High-energy X-ray diffraction at 80 keV",
Acta Crystallographica, (1996). A52 : p.
438-449. doi: 10.1107/S0108767396000773
Neuefeind, K.-D. Liss, "Bond
angle distribution in amorphous germania and silica",
Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische
Chemie, (1996). 100: p. 1341-1349.
R. Hock, K.-D. Liss, A. Remhof, A. Magerl,
"Neutron and high-energy X-ray scattering from Si
crystals excited with longitudinal high frequency
sound", Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, (1996).
Supplement (11): p. 172.
A. Magerl,
K.-D. Liss, J. B. Hastings, D. P. Siddons, H.-B.
Neumann, H. F. Poulsen, U. Rütt, J. R. Schneider, R.
Madar, "The Local
Perfection of Massive Gradient Crystals Studied by
High-Energy X-Ray Diffraction", Europhysics
Letters, (1995). 31 (5-6): p. 329-334.
A. Magerl,
K.-D. Liss, C. Doll, R. Madar, E. Steichele, "Will
gradient crystals become available for neutron
diffraction?", Nuclear
Instruments and Methods, (1994). A 338: p. 83-89.
doi: 10.1016/0168-9002(94)90166-X
K.-D. Liss, A.
Magerl, "Can a
gradient crystal compete with a mosaic crystal as a
monochromator in neutron- or X-ray diffraction?", Nuclear
Instruments and Methods, (1994). A 338: p. 90-98.
doi: 10.1016/0168-9002(94)90167-8
K.-D. Liss, A.
Magerl, W. Gläser, "A neutron
diffraction study on the very narrow dynamical width
of GaAs [200]", Nuclear
Instruments and Methods, (1993). A 335: p. 523-527
doi: 10.1016/0168-9002(93)91239-J
Magerl, B. Frick, K.-D. Liss, "First
experience with the focusing neutron guide on
Proceedings SPIE, (1992). 1738: p. 360-367. doi: 10.1117/12.130645
Madar, E. Mastromatteo, A. Magerl, K.-D. Liss, C.
Bernard, "Low pressure chemical vapor deposition
of massive Si1–xGex
gradient crystals and applications in
short-wavelength diffraction", Surface and
Coatings Technology, (1992). 54-55: p. 229-233.
doi: 10.1016/0257-8972(92)90167-9
A. Magerl, K.-D. Liss, J. R. Schneider, W.
Zulehner, "An in-situ study of the dynamics of
oxygen precipitation in Si" in "Proceedings of
the International Conference on Slow Dynamics in
Condensed Matter", Fukuoka, Japan 1991, K.
Kawasaki, M. Tokuyama, T. Kamakatsu Eds. (AIP, 1992),
(1991): p. 479-480.
Liss, A. Magerl, J. R. Schneider, W. Zulehner, "In
situ neutron diffraction study of lattice
deformation during oxygen precipitation in silicon.",
Journal of Applied Physics, (1991). 70: p.
1276-1280. doi: 10.1063/1.350336
Conference contributions,
workshops, seminars
9. December 2014, AIP Congress, Canberra, Australia,
talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss, "Towards
the Materials Oscilloscope: Observing Metals at High
Temperature and During Plastic Deformation, In-Situ and
in Real-Time"
4. December 2014, MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit,
Boston, USA, talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss,
"The Pressure-Induced Gamma to Epsilon Phase
Transformation in Twinning-Induced Plasticity Steel
and Its Relevance to Nanocrystalline Material"
.4 December 2014, MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit,
Boston, USA, talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss,
"A Synchrotron White Beam Laue Study on the
Recrystallization and Grain Growth in Polycrystalline
Magnesium and Aluminium Alloys"
3. December 2014, MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit,
Boston, USA, talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss,
"Phase Evolution of Gamma-Based Titanium Aluminides
under High Pressure and Temperature"
2. December 2014, MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit,
Boston, USA, talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss,
"In Situ Neutron Diffraction on Metals at High
1. December 2014, MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit,
Boston, USA, talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss,
"In Situ Study of Phase Evolution and Defect
Kinetics in Zr-2.5Nb Alloy"
30. November 2014: MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit,
Boston, USA, tutorial lecture :
Klaus-Dieter Liss (part 1) & Rozaliya
Barabash (part 2): "Neutron and X-rays―Sources,
Instrumentation, and Scatteringâ€
26. November 2014, CAMS, Sydney, Australia, talk
: Klaus-Dieter Liss, "Towards the
Materials Oscilloscope: Observing Metals at High
Temperature and During Plastic Deformation, In-Situ
and in Real-Time"
20. November 2014, Materials Australia NSW, Lucas
Heights, Australia, talk : Klaus-Dieter
Liss, "In situ neutron diffraction: metals
at high temperature"
31. October 2014: å››å·å¤§å¦
Sichuan University, æˆéƒ½
Chengdu, China, seminar talk :
Klaus-Dieter Liss, " Modern diffraction
methods for the investigation of thermo-mechanical
28. October 2014: Mianyang, China: seminar talk
: Klaus-Dieter Liss, " Modern
diffraction methods for the investigation of
thermo-mechanical processesâ€
22. October 2014: CAMP-NANO, è¥¿å®‰äº¤é€šå¤§å¦ Jiaotong
University, Xi'An, China: distinguished lecture
: Klaus-Dieter Liss, " Thermo-mechanical
processing in a synchrotron beam - The materials
21. October 2014: CAMP-NANO, è¥¿å®‰äº¤é€šå¤§å¦ Jiaotong
University, Xi'An, China: distinguished lecture
: Klaus-Dieter Liss, " Neutron based
in-situ studies on materials under high temperature
20. October 2014: CAMP-NANO, è¥¿å®‰äº¤é€šå¤§å¦ Jiaotong
University, Xi'An, China, distinguished lecture
: Klaus-Dieter Liss, " Neutron and
X-rays: properties, sources, diffractionâ€
July 2014, J-PARC Science Symposium, ã¤ãã° Tsukuba, Japan,
invited talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss, "
High Temperature Deformation Studies of Metalsâ€
5. June 2014, Bragg Institute Seminar, Australian
Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Lucas
Heights, Australia, talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss:
"Metals under Complex Conditions: In-situ and
real-time Information Revealed by Neutron and
Synchrotron X-Ray Diffractionâ€
19. February 2014, 2014 TMS Annual Meeting &
Exhibition: Neutron and X-ray Studies of Advanced
Materials VII, invited keynote lecture :
Klaus-Dieter Liss: "Metals under Complex
Conditions: In-situ and real-time Information Revealed
by Neutron and Synchrotron X-Ray Diffractionâ€
17. February 2014, 2014 TMS Annual Meeting &
Exhibition: Gamma TiAl Alloys 2014, talk :
Klaus-Dieter Liss: "Phase Composition and
Microstructural Analysis of Titanium Aluminides by In
Situ, Real-time Neutron and Synchrotron X-ray
16. February 2014, 2014 TMS Annual Meeting &
Exhibition, tutorial lecture : Klaus-Dieter
Liss: "Part 1: Neutron and X-rays―Sources,
Instrumentation, and Scatteringâ€
15. October 2013, Ibaraki Prefecture Texture
Evaluation Workshop on Metallic Materials, Tokai, Japan,
invited talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss
: "Texture measurements with synchrotron X-rays and
why we need neutrons!"
17. September 2013, Neutron Industrial Promotion
Workshop on Residual Stress and Strain Analysis, Tokyo,
Japan, invited talk : Klaus-Dieter
Liss : "Modern Diffraction Methods for the
Investigation of Thermo-Mechanical Processes"
9. August 2013, 8th Pacific Rim International Congress
on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM-8),
Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, invited talk :
Klaus-Dieter Liss : "High-temperature
Defect Kinetics in Titanium and Zirconium Alloys
Revealed In-situ by the Dynamic Extinction of Neutron
4. August 2013, 8th Pacific Rim International Congress
on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM-8),
Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, invited talk :
Klaus-Dieter Liss : "In-situ Neutron
and Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction for Physical
Thermo-Mechanic Simulation"
4. August 2013, 8th Pacific Rim International Congress
on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM-8),
Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, invited talk :
Klaus-Dieter Liss : " In-situ Studies
of Microstructure and Phase Evolution upon Hot-working
of Titanium Aluminium Based Intermetallics"
24. July 2013, JAEA Quantum Beam Science Directorate,
Annual Meeting, Tokai, Japan, poster :
Klaus-Dieter Liss : "On advanced
in-situ and time resolved diffraction studies with
neutrons and X-rays"
2. July 2013, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama,
Japan, invited lecture :
Klaus-Dieter Liss : "On advanced
in-situ and time resolved diffraction studies at
neutron and synchrotron sources"
20. June 2013, J-PARC Kickoff Seminar, Tokai, Japan,
talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss :
"On advanced in-situ and time resolved diffraction
studies at neutron and synchrotron sources"
17. April 2013, Neutron Research Meeting, JAEA, Tokai,
Japan, talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss
: "On advanced in-situ and time resolved
diffraction studies at neutron and synchrotron
7. March 2013, TMS Annual Meeting, San Antonio, USA,
talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss ,
DongDong Qu, Kun Yan, Mark Reid, Jun Shen:
"Variability of Poisson's Ratio and Enhanced Ductility
in Amorphous Metal"
6. March 2013, TMS Annual Meeting, San Antonio, USA,
invited talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss
, Kun Yan, Lisa Thoennessen, Saurabh Kabra, David G.
Carr, Mark Reid, Ali Dehghan-Manshadi, Robert P.
Harrison, Rian J. Dippenaar: "Metals Behavior at
Very High Temperature"
5. March 2013, TMS Annual Meeting, San Antonio, USA,
talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss , Kun
Yan, Lisa Thoennessen, Saurabh Kabra, Rian J. Dippenaar:
"In-Situ Diffraction Studies on Thermo-Mechanical
13. December 2012, 20th Australian Institute of
Physics Congress, Sydney, Australia, poster :
Klaus-Dieter Liss , Andreas Magerl:
"Between X-ray optical effects, modulated structures
and coherent phonons"
11. December 2012, 20th Australian Institute of
Physics Congress, Sydney, Australia, talk :
Klaus-Dieter Liss , Kun Yan,
Lisa Thoennessen, Saurabh Kabra, David
G. Carr, Mark Reid, Ali Dehghan
Manshadi, Robert P. Harrison, Rian
Dippenaar: "Metals behavior at very high
29. November 2012, MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit,
Boston, USA, talk : Klaus-Dieter
Liss , Kun Yan, Lisa Thoennessen,
Saurabh Kabra, David G. Carr,
Mark Reid, Ali Dehghan Manshadi,
Robert P. Harrison, Rian Dippenaar:
"In-situ Diffraction Effects from Metals at Very High
28. November 2012, MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit,
Boston, USA, invited talk :
Klaus-Dieter Liss , DongDong Qu,
Kun Yan, Mark Reid, Jun Shen: "On
the Non-affine Structural Behavior of Bulk Metalic
Glass upon Thermal Expansion and under Plastic Flowâ€
26. November 2012, MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit,
Boston, USA, talk : Klaus-Dieter
Liss , Andreas Magerl: "Diffraction
from Vibrating Crystals: From Ultrasound to Phononsâ€
25. November 2012, MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit,
Boston, USA, tutorial lecture : Klaus-Dieter
Liss (part 1) & Rozaliya Barabash (part 2):
"Neutron and X-rays―Sources, Instrumentation, and
16. November 2012, ESS Science Symposium, Prague,
Czech Republic, invited talk : Klaus-Dieter
Liss: "In-situ diffraction under physical
thermo-mechanic simulation: Beyond classical
powder diffractionâ€
13. November 2012, ARC Centre of Excellence for Design
in Light Metals, Annual Conference 2012, Clayton,
Australia, invited talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss:
"Diffraction of neutrons and high-energy X-rays as
an advanced tool in metallurgyâ€
9. November 2012, AANSS 2012, the AINSE-ANBUG Neutron
Scattering Symposium, Lucas Heights, Australia,
talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss , Kun Yan,
Lisa Thoennessen, Saurabh Kabra, David G. Carr, Mark
Reid, Ali Dehghan-Manshadi,
Robert P. Harrison,
Rian J. Dippenaar: "Metals behavior at
very high temperatureâ€
7. November 2012, AANSS 2012, the AINSE-ANBUG Neutron
Scattering Symposium, Lucas Heights, Australia,
poster : L. Thoennessen , K.D. Liss,
R. Dippenaar and A. Dehghan-Manshadi : "Phase
Development in the near-β Titanium Alloy
27. September 2012, Materials Science and Engineering
Congress, Darmstadt, Germany, talk :
Klaus-Dieter Liss , Thomas Schmoelzer, Svea
Mayer, Mark Reid, Kun Yan, Saurabh Kabra, Rian
Dippenaar, Helmut Clemens: "In-Situ Microstructure
and Phase Evolution upon Hot-working of Titanium
28 July 2012, National Conference on X-ray Diffraction
, Changchun, China, invited keynote talk :
Klaus-Dieter Liss: "In-situ neutron and synchrotron
X-ray diffraction methods for the investigation of
thermo-mechanical processesâ€
6-8 July 2012, International Conference on Advanced
Engineering Materials and Technology, Zhuhai, China,
invited keynote talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss:
"In-situ neutron and synchrotron X-ray diffraction
methods for the investigation of thermo-mechanical
16. April 2012, International Second Beam Hall
Workshop, ANSTO, Lucas Heights, Australia: invited
talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss: "Materials
15. March 2012, TMS Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA:
invited keynote talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss:
"In-Situ, Time-Resolved Diffraction Studies in
Thermo-Mechanic Processing"
12. March 2012, TMS Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA:
invited talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss, Andreas
Magerl: "Diffraction from Vibrating Crystals: From
Ultrasound to Phonons"
2. February 2012, Annual Condensed Matter and
Materials Meeting, Wagga-Wagga, Australia: poster:
Klaus-Dieter Liss: "X-Rays of the Future:
Thinking Energy Recovery Linac"
4. January 2012, International Symposium on
Plasticity, Rio Mar, Puerto Rico: invited keynote
talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss: "In-Situ
Diffraction Studies Related to Thermo-Mechanical
2. December 2011, Australian Synchrotron Users
Meeting, Melbourne, Australia: talk:
Klaus-Dieter Liss: "Thermo-Mechanical Processing in
a Synchrotron Beam"
29. November 2011, MRS-2011 Fall Meeting, Boston, USA:
talk: Klaus-Dieter Liss: "In Situ,
Real-Time Resolved Diffraction Methods in
Thermo-Mechanic Simulation"
16. November 2012, AONSA Neutron School, Lucas
Heights, Australia: lecture: Klaus-Dieter
Liss: " Structural changes related to Thermo
Mechanical Processingâ€
19. October 2012, Bragg Institute Seminar, Lucas
Heights, Australia: talk: Klaus-Dieter Liss:
" Meeting The Challenge of New Materials Under
Extreme Conditionsâ€
15.-19. August 2012, AINSE Winter School, Lucas
Heights, Australia: lecture and tutorials :
Klaus-Dieter Liss: " Structural changes related to
Thermo Mechanical Processingâ€
4. August 2011, THERMEC-2011, Quebec City, Canada:
invited talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss: "In situ
neutron and synchrotron X-ray diffraction for the
investigation of thermo mechanical processes"
3. August 2011, THERMEC-2011, Quebec City, Canada:
talk : Saurabh Kabra, Klaus-Dieter Liss
: "Texture measurements on WOMBAT diffractometer at
ANSTO: Instrumentation and Analysis"
27. June 2011, ICMAT-2011, Singapore: invited
talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss: "Physical
Thermo-mechanical Simulation: Metal Forming in a
Synchrotron Beam"
9. June 2011, Workshop on Advanced Techniques for
Materials Characterisation, University of Wollongong,
Wollongong: invited talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss:
"High Energy Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction for
Engineering and Materials Science"
28. March 2011, SMEC-2011, Liberty Of The Seas, Belize
and Mexico: invited talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss:
"Physical thermo-mechanical simulation: metal
forming under in-situ diffraction"
2. March 2011, TMS-2011 Annual Meeting, San Diego,
USA: invited talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss
: "In-Situ Neutron and Synchrotron X-Ray
Diffraction for the Investigation of Thermo Mechanical
Processes in Materials Science"
8. February 2011, AXAA Meeting, Sydney, Australia:
invited talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss :
"Analysis of Metal Formation unsing Neutron and
Synchrotron Radiation"
4. February 2011, Wagga-2011 Condensed Matter and
Materials Meeting, Wagga Wagga, Australia: talk
: Klaus-Dieter Liss , Dongdong Qu, Mark Reid,
Jun Shen: "On the atomic anisotropy of thermal
expansion in bulk metallic glass"
3. February 2011, Wagga-2011 Condensed Matter and
Materials Meeting, Wagga Wagga, Australia: poster
: Klaus-Dieter Liss , Dongdong Qu, Mark Reid,
Jun Shen: "On the atomic anisotropy of thermal
expansion in bulk metallic glass"
2. December 2010, MRS-2009 Fall Meeting, Boston, USA:
talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss , Dongdong
Qu, Jun Shen: "In Situ Diffraction Studies on
Heating and Compression of Bulk Metallic Glasses"
1. December 2010, AANSS 2010: Neutron and X-ray
Scattering - from Biology to Physics, Sydney, Australia:
poster : S. Kabra, K. Yan , U.
Garbe, A. Studer, K.-D. Liss: "Texture measurements
on the Wombat diffractometer"
30. November 2010, MRS-2009 Fall Meeting, Boston, USA:
poster : Thomas Schmoelzer, Klaus-Dieter
Liss, Martin Rester, Kun Yan, Matthew Peel, Helmut
Clemens, "Characterization of the Deformation
Behavior of gamma-TiAl Based Alloys by In-Situ X-Ray
30. November 2010, MRS-2009 Fall Meeting, Boston, USA:
talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss , Kun Yan,
Saurabh Kabra, David G. Carr, Robert P. Harrrison, Rian
Dippenaar: "In-Situ Diffraction STudies on
Zirkonium Alloys upon Physical Thermo-mechanic
30. November 2010, MRS-2009 Fall Meeting, Boston, USA:
talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss , Saurabh
Kabra, Kun Yan, Thomas Schmoelzer, Mark Reid, Rian
Dippenaar, Helmut Clemens, "In-Situ
Characterization of Phase Transformations and
Thermo-mechanical Processing in Titanium Aluminium"
29. November 2010, MRS-2009 Fall Meeting, Boston, USA:
talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss ,
"Modern Diffraction Methods Applied to Thermo
Mechanical Proecesses in Materials Science"
1. December 2010, AANSS 2010: Neutron and X-ray
Scattering - from Biology to Physics, Sydney, Australia:
poster : K. Yan, D.G. Carra, S. Kabra, M.
Reid, A. Studer, R.P. Harrison, R. Dippenaar
, K-D Liss: "In situ characterisation of lattice
structure evolution during phase transformation of
25. October 2010, WCEAM - World Congress on
Engineering Asset Management, Brisbane, Australia,
invited talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss: "Analysis
of metal formation using neutron and synchrotron
13. September 2010, University of Wollongong, Group
Seminar, Wollongong, Australia, talk :
Klaus-Dieter Liss: "In-situ neutron and synchrotron
X-ray diffraction for the investigation of thermo -
mechanical Processes in
materials science"
26. August 2010, Materials Science and Engineering
Congress, Darmstadt, Germany, invited talk :
Klaus-Dieter Liss , Rian Dippenaar, Helmut
Clemens: "In-Situ Characterization of Phase
Transformations and Thermo-Mechanical Processing in
Titanium Aluminium Alloys"
23. July 2010, ARNAM/ARCNN Workshop, Adelaide,
Australia, talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss: †Thermo -
Mechanical Processing
in a Synchrotron Beamâ€
8. July 2010, ICCE-18, Anchorage, USA, invited
talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss: †Thermo -
Mechanical Processing
in a Synchrotron Beam - from Simple Metals to
Multiphase Alloys and Intermetallicsâ€
8. July 2010, ICCE-18, Anchorage, USA, talk
: Kun Yan, D.G. Carr, S. Kabra, M. Reid, A. Studer, R.P.
Harrison, R. Dippenaar, K.-D. Liss : â€
In-Situ Characterization of Lattice Structure
Evolution During Phase Transformation of Zr-2.5Nb
5. July 2010, ReX&GG, Sheffield, UK, invited
talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss: †Thermo -
Mechanical Processing
in a Synchrotron Beamâ€
29. June 2010, Crystallography Seminar, University of
Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany, talk : K.-D.
Liss: "In-situ and real-time investigations of
zirconium alloys: what modern diffraction methods
9. June 2010, Physics Colloquium, University of New
South Wales, Sydney, Australia, talk :
Klaus-Dieter Liss: "From seconds to
picoseconds Selected applications in time
resolved X-ray diffraction in materials science and
17. February 2010, TMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA,
talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss: †Thermo -
Mechanical Processing
in a Synchrotron Beamâ€
4. February 2010, Wagga-2010 Conference, Waiheke
Island, New Zealand, talk : " Modern
Diffraction Methods for the Investigation of Thermo Mechanical Processes in
Materials Physicsâ€
1. December 2009, MRS-2009 Fall Meeting, talk
: Klaus-Dieter Liss , Thierry d'Almeida, Maik
Kaiser, Rainer Hock, Andreas Magerl Jean-Francois Eloy:
"Time-Resolved X-Ray Diffraction Study of
LaserInduced Shock and Acoustic Waves in Single
Crystalline Silicon"
1. December 2009, MRS-2009 Fall Meeting, talk
: Klaus-Dieter Liss : "High-energy X-ray
diffraction for in-situ investigations in
thermo-mechanical processes"
12. November 2009, MECA-SENS conference, Mito, Japan,
talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss :
"High-energy X-ray diffraction for in-situ
investigations in thermo-mechanical processes"
10. November 2009, MECA-SENS conference, Mito, Japan,
poster : Klaus-Dieter Liss ,
LaiChang Zhang, Ulf Garbe, Jonathan D. Almer, Thomas
Schambron, Elena V. Pereloma: "Observations of
Retained Austenite Stability and Stress Partitioning
in Transformation-Induced Plasticity Steel during In
Situ Tensile Testing Using Synchrotron X-ray
9. November 2009, IMSS-KEK seminar, Tsukuba, Japan,
talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss : "From
seconds to picoseconds - selected applications of time
resolved Xray diffraction in materials science and
beyond ..."
6. November 2009, seminar, Tokyo Institute of
Technology, Suzukakedai, Japan, talk :
Klaus-Dieter Liss : "From seconds to
picoseconds - selected applications of time resolved
Xray diffraction in materials science and beyond ..."
5. November 2009, seminar, Gakushuin University,
Tokyo, Japan, talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss
: "High-energy X-ray diffraction for in-situ
investigations in thermo-mechanical processes"
4. November 2009, 138th SPRING-8 seminar, SPRING-8,
Japan, talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss :
"From seconds to picoseconds - selected applications
of time resolved Xray diffraction in materials science
and beyond ..."
28. September 2009, SRI'09, Melbourne, Australia,
talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss : "High
Energy X-Rays for In-Situ Studies of Thermo-Mechanical
11. September 2009, University of Melbourne, Physics
Seminar, Melbourne, Australia, talk :
Klaus-Dieter Liss : "From seconds to
picoseconds - selected applications of time resolved
X-ray diffraction in materials science and beyond ..."
8. September 2009, CSIRO-Minerals Seminar, Melbourne,
Australia, invited talk :
Klaus-Dieter Liss : "OPAL Neutrons at ANSTO
+ Thermo Mechanical Processes - (or what ANSTO does
and what I do)"
27. August 2009, THERMEC'2009, Berlin, Germany,
talk : U. Garbe, O. Kirstein, A. Studer,
K.-D. Liss , V. Luzin: "Texture And Strain
Experiments At OPAL"
26. August 2009, THERMEC'2009, Berlin, Germany,
invited talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss ,
Ian Watson, Mark Reid, Helmut Clemens, Arno Bartels,
Wilfried Wallgram, LaReine Yeoh, Thomas Hansen, Thomas
Buslaps: "Complementary In-situ Neutron and
High-Energy X-Ray Powder Diffraction Analysis of the
Phase Transformations in Titanium Aluminides"
25. August 2009, THERMEC'2009, Berlin, Germany,
invited talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss ,
Kun Yan, Ulf Garbe, John Daniels, Jon Almer, Rian
Dippenaar: "In-Situ Grain Studies In The Bulk Of
Metals Undergoing Thermo- Mechanical Processes"
30. July 2009, 2009 Denver X-ray Conference, Colorado
Springs, USA, talk : K.-D. Liss, U. Garbe,
K. Yan , R. Dippenaar, J. Daniels: "From
single grains to texture"
30. July 2009, 2009 Denver X-ray Conference, Colorado
Springs, USA, poster : K.-D. Liss
, U. Garbe, L.C. Zhang, T. Schambron, E.V. Pereloma, J.
Almer: "Observations of retained austenite
stability and stress partitioning in
transformation-induced plasticity steel during in-situ
tensile testing using synchrotron X-ray diffraction"
30. July 2009, 2009 Denver X-ray Conference, Colorado
Springs, USA, talk : K.-D. Liss ,
U. Garbe, H. Li, K. Yan, T. Schambron, J. Almer:
"In-situ observation of dynamic recrystallization and
related phenomena in the bulk of zirconium alloy"
27. July 2009, 2009 Denver X-ray Conference, Colorado
Springs, USA, poster : Klaus-Dieter Liss
: "Do Q!"
1.-3. July 2009, Materials and Austceram Conference,
Gold Coast, Australia, talk : K.-D. Liss
, U. Garbe, H. Li, K. Yan, T. Schambron, J. Almer:
"In-situ observation of dynamic recrystallization
and related phenomena in the bulk of zirconium alloy"
1.-3. July 2009, Materials and Austceram Conference,
Gold Coast, Australia, talk : Kun Yan
, Matthew Robert Barnett, Klaus-Dieter Liss, Rian
Dippenaar: "Lattice strain and texture evolution
during deformation twinning in magnesium"
6. February 2009, Wagga 2009 - 33rd Annual Condensed
Matter and Materials Meeting, Wagga Wagga, Australia,
talk : Kun Yan , Klaus-Dieter Liss,
Rian Dippenaar: "From single grain to texture"
5. February 2009, Wagga 2009 - 33rd Annual Condensed
Matter and Materials Meeting, Wagga Wagga, Australia,
poster : Klaus-Dieter Liss : "Do
4. February 2009, Wagga 2009 - 33rd Annual Condensed
Matter and Materials Meeting, Wagga Wagga, Australia,
poster : Klaus-Dieter Liss ,
Ulf Garbe, Thomas Schambron,
Jonathan Almer, HuiJun Li, Kun Yan,
Rian Dippenaar: "Direct, Time-resolved In-situ
Observation of Dynamic Recrystallization and Related
Phenomena in the Bulk of Zirconium Alloy"
17. December 2009, ARNAM 2008 Annual Workshop, Deakin
University, Geelong, Australia, talk :
Ian Watson , Klaus-Dieter Liss, Helmut Clemens,
Arno Bartels, Wilfried Wallgram, LaReine Yeoh, Thomas
Hansen, Thomas Buslaps: "Complementary In-situ
Neutron and High-Energy X-RayPowder Diffraction
Analysis of the Phase Transformations inTitanium
17. December 2009, ARNAM 2008 Annual Workshop, Deakin
University, Geelong, Australia, talk :
Kun Yan , Klaus-Dieter Liss, Rian Dippenaar:
"From single grain to texture"
17. December 2009, ARNAM 2008 Annual Workshop, Deakin
University, Geelong, Australia, talk :
Ulf Garbe , Oliver Kirstein, Klaus-Dieter Liss:
"New Instrument Concept for Local Texture
Measurement withNeutron Radiation"
16. December 2009, ARNAM 2008 Annual Workshop, Deakin
University, Geelong, Australia, short talk / poster
: Klaus-Dieter Liss : "Become a
Professional: Do It In Q-Space"
4. September 2008, Fifth International Conference on
Advanced Materials and Processing, Harbin, China,
invited talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss ,
Arno Bartels, Helmut Clemens, Dominic Phelan, Thomas
Buslaps: "In-situ characterization of phase
transformations and microstructure evolution in a
alpha2-TiAl based alloy"
20. May 2008, Materials Science Group, University of
New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, talk :
Klaus-Dieter Liss: "In-situ characterization of
phase transformations and microstructure evolution in
a alpha2-TiAl based alloy"
26. March 2008, Frontiers in Materials Science and
Technology Meeting, Brisbane, Australia, talk
: Klaus-Dieter Liss , Ross Whitfield, Wei Xu,
Thomas Buslaps, LaReine Yeoh, Xiaolin Wu, Kenong Xia:
"Towards the Thermodynamic Equilibrium of Titanium
Aluminides after Consolidation by Back Pressure Equal
Channel Angular Pressing"
12. March 2008, TMS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA,
talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss , Andreas
Stark, Arno Bartels, Helmut Clemens, Thomas Buslaps,
Dominic Phelan, LaReine Yeoh: "In-Situ
Characterization of Phase Transformations and
Microstructure Evolution in a γ-TiAl Based Alloy"
11. March 2008, TMS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA,
talk : Ross Whitfield, Klaus-Dieter Liss
, Wei Xu, Thomas Buslaps, LaReine Yeoh, Xiaolin Wu,
Kenong Xia: "Towards the Thermodynamic Equilibrium
of Titanium Aluminides after Consolidation by Back
Pressure Equal Channel Angular Pressing"
7. February 2008, AXAA Conference, Melbourne,
Australia, invited talk : K.-D. Liss:
"Thermo-mechanical processes in metals: Results and
opportunities using modern diffraction methods"
4. December 2007, 6th AINSE/ANBUG Neutron Scattering
Symposium, Lucas Heights, Australia, poster :
K.-D. Liss: "The
Mec . Pro Project:
Modern Diffraction Methods Applied to Thermo Mechanical Processes in
Materials Science."
4. December 2007, ARC Centre of Excellence for Design
in Light Metals - 2007 Annual Workshop , Sydney,
Australia, poster : W. Xu, K. D. Liss, X. Wu,
R. Whitfield, T. Buslaps, L. A. Yeoh, D. L. Zhang, K.
Xia: "Towards the thermodynamic equilibrium of
titanium aluminides after consolidation by back
pressure equal channel angular processing."
12. October 2007, IKM Seminar, Leibnitz Institut für
Festkörper- und Werkstofforschung, Dresden, Germany,
talk : K.-D. Liss: "In-situ diffraction
study on phase transition behavior in titanium
11. October 2007, Crystallography Seminar, University
of Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany, talk : K.-D.
Liss: "In-situ diffraction study on phase
transition behavior in titanium aluminides."
9. October 2007, The 5th Size-Strain conference
'Diffraction Analysis of the Microstructure of
Materials' , Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany,
talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss , LaReine A.
Yeoh, Arno Bartels, Helmut Clemens, Dominic Phelan,
Thomas Buslaps: "In-situ study of phases and
microstructures of Titanium Aluminides."
4. October 2007, Materials Club Seminar, Mountain
University of Leoben, Leoben, Austria, talk :
K.-D. Liss: "In-situ diffraction study on phase
transition behavior in titanium aluminides."
1. October 2007, Neutron Seminar, Physics Department,
TU-München, Garching, Germany, talk : K.-D.
Liss: "The first diffraction instruments at OPAL
reactor and upcoming studies related to
thermo-mechanical processing."
10. August 2007, Seminar at Deakin University,
Geelong, Australia, talk : K.-D. Liss:
"In-situ diffraction study on phase transition
behavior in titanium aluminides."
8. July 2007, ARNAM Workshop, Kioloa, Australia,
talk : K.-D. Liss: "High-Energy Synchrotron
Radiation, A Unique Tool For Bulk Characterization in
Materials Science: Needs and Opportunities in
8. July 2007, ARNAM Workshop, Kioloa, Australia,
poster : LaReine A. Yeoh, Klaus-Dieter Liss,
Thomas Buslaps: "Two Dimensional High Energy X-Ray
Powder Diffraction"
8. July 2007, ARNAM Workshop, Kioloa, Australia,
poster+short talk : K.-D. Liss: "The
Thermo Mec .
Project: Modern Diffraction Methods Applied to Thermo Mechanical Processes in
Materials Science"
3. July 2007 ,
Sydney, Australia , talk :
Klaus-Dieter Liss, LaReine A. Yeoh, Helmut
Clemens, Harald Chladil, Arno Bartels, Andreas Stark,
Thomas Buslaps : " Evolution of composition and grain
correlations upon phase transitions and
micro-structural rearrangement processes followed
in-situ by high-energy X-ray diffraction ".
31. May 2007, ICAMN, Langkawi, Malaysia,
invited talk : M. Avdeev, M.M. Elcombe,
K.-D. Liss , V.K. Peterson, A.J. Studer:
"Rapid Material and In-situ Processing
Characterization at OPAL"
December 2006, AANSS-Meeting, Lucas Heights,
Australia, poster : Klaus-Dieter Liss,
Maxim Avdeev: "ECHIDNA - Switching On the new High
Resolution Powder Diffractometer at OPAL's Neutron
Beam Instrumentation Facilityâ€
December 2006, AANSS-Meeting, Lucas Heights,
Australia, poster : LaReine A. Yeoh,
Klaus-Dieter Liss, Arno Bartels, Helmut Clemens, Harald
Chladil: " What We Want to do on WOMBAT: In Situ
Studies of Phase Transitions in Ti-Al Intermetallicsâ€
December 2006 ,
AIP Congress Brisbane,
Australia , poster : Klaus-Dieter Liss
, Brett Hunter, Mark Hagen,
Terrence Noakes: "
ECHIDNA - Getting OPAL's High Resolution Powder
Diffractometer into operation ".
December 2006 ,
AIP Congress Brisbane,
Australia , talk : LaReine A Yeoh
, Klaus-Dieter Liss, Thomas
Buslaps: " Two
Dimensional High Energy X-Ray Powder Diffraction
December 2006 ,
AIP Congress Brisbane,
Australia , talk : Klaus-Dieter Liss
, LaReine A Yeoh, Arno Bartels,
Helmut Clemens, Dominic Phelan, Thomas Buslaps:
" In-situ study of phases and
microstructures of Titanium Aluminides ".
November 2006 ,
ASRP user workshop, Melbourne, poster :
LaReine A. Yeoh , Klaus-Dieter Liss, Arno
Bartels, Harald Chladil, Helmut Clemens, Thomas
Buslaps : " In-situ high energy X-ray
diffraction studies on intermetallic γ-based TiAl
alloys ".
November 2006, MRS Fall
Meeting, Boston, USA, poster : Klaus-Dieter Liss, Helmut Clemens
, Arno Bartels, Andreas Stark,
Thomas Buslaps: "
Phase Transitions and Recrystallization in a
Ti-46at%Al-9at%Nb Alloy as Observed by In-situ
High-Energy X-ray Diffraction ".
October 2006, Expanding APEC Cooperation in Key
Technologies Nuclear Science and Technology for the
Benefit of Industry and the Community, workshop,
Sydney, Australia, talk : "Overview of OPAL
and its Neutron Beam Facilitiesâ€
4.-6. October 2006,
German Conference for Research with Synchrotron
Radiation, Neutrons and Ion Beams at Large
Facilities, Hamburg, Germany, poster
: C. Schnier
, J. Feuerborn, K.-D. Liss,
Bong-Jun Lee: "Untersuchungen zum Nachweis
von superschweren Elementen (SHE) mit
hochenergetischer Synchrotron-Strahlung und
4. July 2006, THERMEC'2006, International
Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of
Advanced Materials, Vancouver, Canada, invited
talk: "A Study of Recrystallization and Phase
Transitions in Intermetallic Titanium Aluminides by
In-Situ High-Energy X-Ray Diffraction".
5. April 2006, Faculty of Science,
University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia,
guest lecture: "Neutrons and synchrotron
X-rays -- large research facilities for the study of
condensed matter".
16. February 2006, Faculty of Engineering, The
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia,
talk: "Neutron and synchrotron X-ray
diffraction for materials -- Recrystallisation and
phase transitions in an intermetallic gamma-TiAl based
alloy as observed by ex-and in-situ high energy X-ray
8. February 2006, Wagga-2006, 30th Annual
Condensed Matter and Materials Meeting, Wagga Wagga,
Australia, talk: "Recrystallization and
phase transitions in an intermetallics -TiAl based
alloy as observed by ex- and in-situ high-energy X-ray
8. February 2006, Wagga-2006, 30th Annual
Condensed Matter and Materials Meeting, Wagga Wagga,
Australia, poster: K.-D. Liss, B. Hunter,
M. Hagen, T. Noakes, S. Kennedy: "ECHIDNA - The new
high-resolution powder diffractometer being built at
28. November 2005, ICNS-2005, Sydney, Australia,
poster: K.-D. Liss, B. Hunter, M. Hagen, T.
Noakes, S. Kennedy: "ECHIDNA - The new high-resolution
powder diffractometer being built at OPAL".
2. November 2005, The School of
Geosciences, University of Sydney, Australia,
talk: "Neutron and Synchrotron X-ray
Diffraction Methods and their Relevance for Geological
21. October 2005, School of Physical, Environmental
and Mathematical Sciences, UNSW @ ADFA, Canberra,
Australia, invited talk: "The new neutron
powder diffractometers at Australia's replacement
research reactor OPAL"
31. March 2005, CRYSTAL 24 Conference, Marysville,
Australia, talk: " High-energy synchrotron radiation: A unique
tool for bulk investigations of crystalline
materials "
30. March - 1. April 2005, CRYSTAL 24 Conference,
Marysville, Australia, poster: Klaus-Dieter
Liss, Slawomir Bystrzanowski, Andreas Stark, Arno
Bartels, Helmut Clemens, Frank-Peter Schimansky,
Rainer Gerling, Andreas Schreyer, Thomas Buslaps:
"Precipitation, recovery, phase transitions and
recrystallization processes of massively transformed
TiAl scrutinized by ex- and in-situ high-energy X-ray
30. March - 1. April 2005, CRYSTAL 24 Conference,
Marysville, Australia, poster: Klaus-Dieter
Liss, Brett Hunter, Mark Hagen, Terry Noakes: "Echidna
- The new high resolution powder diffractometer being
built at ANSTO"
30. March - 1. April 2005, CRYSTAL 24 Conference,
Marysville, Australia, poster: Klaus-Dieter
Liss, Rainer Hock, Andreas Magerl, Stefan Haubold,
Michaela Mitschke: "
X-Ray caviyties and multi-beam conditions "
18. February 2005, Seminar, School of Physics,
University of Melbourne, Australia, talk: "
High-energy synchrotron
radiation: A unique tool for bulk investigations of
crystalline materials "
1. February 2005, Congress - Australian Institute of
Physics, Canberra, Australia, poster:
Klaus-Dieter Liss, Slawomir Bystrzanowski, Arno
Bartels, Thomas Buslaps, Helmut Clemens, Rainer
Gerling, Frank-Peter Schimansky, Andreas Stark:
"Precipitation, recovery, phase transition and
recrystallization processes of massively transformed
TiAl scrutinized by ex- and in-situ high-energy X-ray
31. January 2005, Congress - Australian Institute of
Physics, Canberra, Australia, keynote lecture:
"High-energy synchrotron X-rays: A tool for bulk
investigations in physics and materials science"; DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4059.3042
26. January 2005, Seminar, University of Newcastle,
Australia, invited talk: "High-energy
synchrotron X-rays and neutrons: Tools for bulk
investigations in physics and materials science"
14.-15. December 2004, 4th AINSE Symposium on Neutron
Scattering, Lucas Heights, Australia, poster:
Klaus-Dieter Liss, Brett Hunter, Terry Noakes:
"Echidna - The new high resolution powder
diffractometer at RRR"
9. December 2004, Seminar, University of Technology,
Hamburg-Harburg, Germany, invited talk:
"High-energy synchrotron X-rays and neutrons: Tools
for bulk investigations in materials science and
physics "
3. December 2004, Seminar for neutron- and solid state
physics, Vienna University of Technology, Wien,
Austria, invited talk: "X-Ray Cavities and
Multi-Beam Conditions"
17. November 2004, Combined Instrumentation Seminar,
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, UK,
talk: "High-energy synchrotron X-rays and
neutrons: Tools for bulk investigations in physics and
materials science"
4. November 2004, Colloquium, School of Physics,
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia,
invited talk: "High-energy synchrotron X-rays
and neutrons: Tools for bulk investigations in physics
and materials science"
2. November 2004, Seminar, School of Physics and
Materials Engineering, Monash University, Melbourne,
Australia, talk: "High-energy synchrotron
X-rays: A tool for bulk investigations in physics and
materials science"
24. September 2004, Inorganic Chemistry Seminar,
School of Chemistry, University of Sydney, Australia,
invited talk: "High-energy synchrotron
radiation - selected applications in physics and
materials science"
30. June 2004, Materials Seminar, ANSTO, Sydney,
Australia, talk: "Recrystallization
processes of massively transformed TiAl examined
in-situ by synchrotron high-energy X-ray diffraction"
16. June 2004, Seminar, Mechanical Engineering
Department at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia,
talk: "High energy X-rays for materials
10.-11. February 2004, ESRF User's Meeting, Grenoble,
France, poster: Klaus-Dieter Liss, Slawomir
Bystrzanowski, Arno Bartels, Thomas Buslaps, Helmut
Clemens, Rainer Gerling, Frank-Peter Schimansky,
Andreas Stark: "In-situ observation of the
recrystallization process of massively transformed
12. December 2003, Seminar, EMBL, Hamburg, Germany,
invited talk: "High Energy Beamlines for
Research in Materials Physics"
29. July 2003, Seminar, Bragg-Institute, ANSTO,
Sydney, Australia, invited talk : "High
energy X-rays: A tool for bulk
investigations in physics and materials science"
30. June 2003, Discussion Round, DIAMOND
Synchrotron, RAL, U.K., invited talk :
"Selected applications on high resolution and high
energy X-ray diffraction"
25. June 2003, Seminar, Hahn-Meitner Institut,
Berlin, Germany, invited talk : "High
energy X-rays: A tool for bulk
investigations in physics and materials science"
14. May 2003, Seminar, TU-München, München,
Germany, invited talk : "Hochenergetische
Röntgenstrahlung und ihre Anwendungen in der Physik
und den Materialwissenschaften"
17. April 2003, New Mexico State University, Las
Cruces, New Mexico, USA, lecture : "Wave
fields in crystals"
16. April 2003, Colloquium New Mexico State
University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA, invited
talk : "High energy X-rays: A tool
for bulk investigations in physics and materials
14. April 2003, Colloquium at LANSCE, Los Alamos,
New Mexico, USA, invited talk : "High
energy X-rays: A tool for bulk
investigations in physics and materials science"
9.-11. April 2003, international Texture Workshop
with High-Energy X-rays, Hamburg, Germany, poster
: J. Böhm, A. Wanner, A. Jacques, K.-D. Liss,H.
Clemens, T. Dose, T. Lippmann, A. Schreyer: "internal
stress measurements at high temperature using
high-energy synchrotron X-rays"
9.-11. April 2003, international Texture Workshop
with High-Energy X-rays, Hamburg, Germany, poster
: K.-D. Liss: "High energy X-rays: A tool for
bulk investigations in materials science and
9.-11. April 2003, international Texture Workshop
with High-Energy X-rays, Hamburg, Germany, poster
: H.-G. Brokmeier, B. Weiss, S.-B. Yi, K.-D.
Liss, T. Lippmann: "Determination of Cu-wire textures
by synchrotron radiation"
3 April 2003, seminar, Université Libre de
Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium, invited talk
: "Les rayons X de haute energie: un outil
d'investigation en volume pour les Sciences des
Materiaux et la Physique"
6. March 2003, ESRF seminar, Grenoble, France,
talk : "HARWI-II - The new high-energy
beamline for materials science purposes at
13.-14. February 2003, ESRF User's Meeting,
Detector Workshop, Grenoble, France, poster
: K.-D. Liss, A. Schreyer, F. Schilling, T. Lippmann,
F. Beckmann, J. Metge, T. Dose, R. Kampmann, H. G.
Brokmeier, H. Clemens, T. Donath, M. Tischer:
"HARWI-II - The new high-energy beamline for materials
science purposes at HASYLAB"
12. February 2003, ESRF User's Meeting, Grenoble,
France, poster : R. Kampmann, K.-D.
Liss , J. Böhm, A. Wanner, A.
Schreyer, . Franz, T. Lippmann, H.
Clemens, M. Marmotti: "High energy X-ray diffraction
with increased camera lengths and large area wireframe
detectors for internal stress measurements"
31. January 2003, HASYLAB User's Meeting, DESY,
Hamburg, Germany, poster : H.-G. Brokmeier,
S.-B. Yi, K.-D. Liss, T. Lippmann, and B. Weiss:
"Texture measurement of thin wires"
31. January 2003, HASYLAB User's Meeting, DESY,
Hamburg, Germany, poster : J. Böhm, A.
Wanner, R. Kampmann, H. Franz, K.-D. Liss, A.
Schreyer, and H. Clemens: "Internal Stress
Measurements by High-Energy Synchrotron X-Ray
Diffraction at Increased Specimen-Detector
31. January 2003, HASYLAB User's Meeting, DESY,
Hamburg, Germany, poster : A. Schreyer, F.
Beckmann, T. Donath, T. Dose, T. Lippmann, K.-D. Liss,
and J. Metge: "The new material science beamline at
28.-30. September 2002, workshop ErlSyn,
Erlangen, Germany, poster : S. Haubold,
K.-D. Liss, H. Requard, R. Hock, A. Magerl:
"Experiments on the 8-beam case of Si 888 in
backscattering" .
28.-30. September 2002, workshop ErlSyn,
Erlangen, Germany, poster : K.-D. Liss, M.
Kaiser, R. Hock, A. Magerl, T. d'Almeida, J. F. Eloy:
"Time resolved X-ray diffraction effects on sound- and
laser-excited crystals"
12. September 2002, X-top 2002 conference,
Aussois, France, talk : "Silicon Crystal
Cavities in Backscattering Geometry: The 8-Beam
Condition of Si 888" .
10.-14. September 2002, X-top 2002 conference,
Aussois, France, poster : K.-D. Liss, J. F.
Eloy, T. d'Almeida, R. Hock, A. Magerl, M. Kaiser:
"Time Resolved X-ray Diffraction Study on Laser
Shocked Single Crystals" .
10.-14. September 2002, X-top 2002 conference,
Aussois, France, poster : K.-D. Liss, J.
Hlinka, F. Denoyer, R. Hock, M. Kaiser, R. Currat:
"Kinetics of the Field Induced Commensurate to
Ferroelectric Phase Transition in Thiourea" .
28. June 2002, Interdisciplinary Synchrotron
Seminar, University of Erlangen, Germany, invited
talk : "Stroboscopic time resolved X-ray
diffraction at modern synchrotron sources:
Applications in the fields of X-ray optics and solid
state physics" .
4.-7. March 2002, DGK-Conference, Kiel, Germany,
talk and poster : K.-D. Liss, R.
Hock, A. Magerl, T. d'Almeida, J.-F. Eloy, M. Kaiser:
"Zeitaufgelöste Röntgenbeugungsanalyse an
lasergeschockten Einkristallen".
4.-7. March 2002, DGK-Conference, Kiel, Germany,
poster : K.-D. Liss, J. Hlinka, R. Hock, M.
Kaiser, R. Currat, F. Denoyer: "Kinetik des
feldinduzierten Ãœbergangs von der kommensurablen zur
ferroelektrischen Phase in Schwefelharnstoff".
4.-7. March 2002, DGK-Conference, Kiel, Germany,
poster : S. Haubold, K.-D. Liss, H.
Requardt, R. Hock, A. Magerl: "Experimente zum
Acht-Strahl-Fall von Si-888 in Rückstreuung".
6. September 2001, ESF Exploratory Workshop on
Time Resolved Investigations of Structural Changes in
Soft and Solid Matter with Neutrons and X-rays,
Sommerfeld, Germany, talk : "Time-resolved
study on laser-shocked silicon crystals with high
resolution X-ray diffraction".
5.-7. September 2001, ESF Exploratory Workshop on
Time Resolved Investigations of Structural Changes in
Soft and Solid Matter with Neutrons and X-rays,
Sommerfeld, Germany, poster : K.-D. Liss,
M. Kaiser, R. Currat, F. Denoyer, J. Hlinka, R. Hock:
"Kinetics of the field induced commensurate to
incommensurate phase transition in thiourea".
5.-7. September 2001, ESF Exploratory Workshop on
Time Resolved Investigations of Structural Changes in
Soft and Solid Matter with Neutrons and X-rays,
Sommerfeld, Germany, poster : K.-D. Liss,
T. d'Almeida, R. Hock, A. Magerl, M. Kaiser, J.F.
Eloy: "Ultrasonic fields: from continuos to shock
12. June 2001, Seminar at the Institute for
Materials Science, GKSS, Geesthacht, Germany,
invited talk : "Hochenergetische
Synchrotronstrahlung und ausgewählte Anwendungen in
den Materialwissenschaften und der Physik".
29. May 2001, Lehrstuhl für Kristallographie und
Strukturphysik, Universität Erlangen, Germany,
invited talk : "Beugung hochenergetischer
Synchrotronstrahlung zur Untersuchung zeitabhängiger
Störungen in Einkristallen".
23. April 2001, Seminar at the Nuclear Energy
Corporation of South Africa (NECSA), Pelindaba, South
Africa, invited talk : "High energy X-ray
and neutron diffraction: complementary or similar
tools?" .
20. April 2001, Seminar at the Schonland Research
Centre for Nuclear Sciences, University of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa,
invited talk : "High resolution and time
resolved X-ray diffraction on perfect crystals"
17. April 2001, Seminar at the Department of
Physics, University of the Witwatersrand,
Johannesburg, South Africa, invited talk :
"Physics with High-Energy X-rays" .
19. February 2001, ESRF Users Meeting, Grenoble,
France, poster : T. d'Almeida, K.-D. Liss,
J. F. Eloy, R. Hock, M. Kaiser, A. Magerl:
"High-resolution time-resolved diffraction
measurements on laser-shocked silicon crystals"
19. February 2001, ESRF Users Meeting, Grenoble,
France, poster : M. Mitschke, K.-D. Liß,
M. Krisch, M. Kaiser, R. Hock, A. Magerl: "Photon
storage and multibeam diffraction in a crystal cavity"
19. February 2001, ESRF Users Meeting, Grenoble,
France, poster : M. Kaiser, K.-D. Liß, R.
Currat, F. Denoyer, J. Hlinka, R. Hock: "Kinetics of
the field induced commensurate to ferroelectric phase
transition in thiourea (SC(NH2)2)"
19. February 2001, ESRF Users Meeting, Grenoble,
France:, poster : M. Kaiser, K.-D. Liß, R.
Hock, T. d'Almeida, A. Magerl: "Coherent phonons
studied by high energy X-ray diffraction"
19. February 2001, ESRF Users Meeting, Grenoble,
France:, poster : A. Pyzalla, J. Wegener,
A. Jaques, J.P. Feiereisen, T. Buslaps, K.-D. Liss:
"Residual stress and in-situ strain analysis by white
high-energy synchrotron radiation"
8. January 2001, Experiments Division - Monday
Seminar, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility,
Grenoble, France, talk : "Activation of
metastable nuclear levels using synchrotron radiation:
Alchemy with X-rays"
13.-15. September 2000, X-top conference,
Jaszowiec, Poland, poster : M. Kaiser,
K.-D. Liß, R. Hock, T. d'Almeida, A. Magerl: "The
formation of satellite reflections by ultrasonically
modulated crystals"
8. August 2000, APS Seminar, Argonne National
Laboratory, Argonne, USA, invited talk :
"The high-energy beamline at ESRF and applications in
diffraction and spectroscopy"
3. August 2000, X-ray/UV Optics Technical Group
at SPIE conference, San Diego, USA, short talk
: "Photon storage of X-rays" , wins the second prize
for presentation.
31. July 2000, SPIE conference on X-Ray FEL
Optics and Instrumentation, San Diego, USA, talk
: "X-ray photon storage in a crystal
26. June 2000, Workshop "Methods &
Instrumentation for X-FEL", HASYLAB, Hamburg, Germany,
invited talk : "A crystal cavity for time
delayed photons"
23. June 2000, Seminar "diffraction club", Max
Planck Institut für Metallphysik, Stuttgart, Germany
invited talk : "The high-energy beamline at
ESRF and applications in diffraction and
25.-26. May 2000, ESRF science days, Annecy,
France, poster : Klaus-Dieter Liß, Veijo
Honkimäki, Marco di Michiel, Thomas Buslaps, Peter
Siddons, Thierry d'Almeida, Joanne McCarthy, José
Manuel Merino Alvarez, Agnès Royer, Maik Kaiser,
Mogens Kretzschmer, Anthony Mauro, Yves Dabin, Vicente
Rey-Bakaikoa and USERS "Scientific Applications of the
Beamline ID15A"
25. May 2000, ESRF science days, Annecy, France,
talk : "High resolution diffractometry with
high-energy X-rays"
10. February 2000, ESRF Users Meeting,
poster : D. P. Siddons, K-D. Liß, G. Grübel,
J. B. Hastings, "Activation of metastable nuclear
levels using synchrotron radiation: Alchemy with
8.-9. February 2000, Workshop on Fast Structural
Changes, poster : K.-D. Liss, R. Hock, M.
Gomm, B. Waibel, A. Magerl, M. Krisch, R. Tucoulou,
"X-ray photon storage in a crystal resonator"
16. December 1999, Diamond High-Energy Workshop,
Daresbury Laboratory, England, invited talk
: "Applications in high-energy X-ray diffraction on
single crystalline samples"
October 1999: IEEE International Ultrasonics
Symposium, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, talk :
"Effects and characterization of ultrasonic fields by
hard X-ray diffraction"
October 1999, National Conference on Synchrotron
Radiation and Instrumentation, Stanford, California,
poster : Klaus-Dieter Liß, Agnès Royer,
Tapan Chatterji, "A high resolution hard X-ray
diffractometer and its application to the study of
artificial superstructures and magnetic phase
5. October 1999, SSRL Seminar, Stanford,
California, invited talk : "The high-energy
beamline at ESRF and applications in diffraction and
4. October 1999, Lawrence Berkeley Seminar,
Berkeley, California, invited talk : "The
high-energy beamline at ESRF and applications in
diffraction and spectroscopy"
July 1999: Gordon Research Conference on X-ray
Physics, Plymouth, New Hampshire, poster :
K.-D. Liss, R. Hock, M. Gomm, B. Waibel, A. Magerl, M.
Krisch, R. Tucoulou, "X-ray photon storage in a
crystal resonator"
February 1999: Materials Science Workshop,
Grenoble, poster : J. Wegener, A. Pyzalla,
W. Reimers, A. Royer, K.-D. Liss, "Simultaneus
analysis of texture and residual stresses in hot
extruded AlSi-alloys by high-energy synchrotron
February 1999: Materials Science Workshop,
Grenoble, poster : W. Reimers, M. Broda, G.
Brusch, D. Dantz, K.-D. Liss, M. Ohler, A. Pyzalla, A.
Royer, T.Schmackers, "Residual stress analysis in the
bulk of materials using high-energy synchrotron
February 1999: Materials Science Workshop,
Grenoble, poster : Hojun Yoon, Mark S.
Goorsky, Michael Ohler and Klaus-Dieter-Liß, "Bulk
crystal investigations with the high-energy X-ray
diffractometer of ID15A"
February 1999: ESRF Users Meeting, poster
: Klaus-Dieter Liß, Agnès Royer, Tapan Chatterji, "A
high resolution hard X-ray diffractometer and its
application to the study of magnetic phase
September 1998: X-TOP conference, Durham, UK,
poster : K.-D. Liß, B. Waibel, R. Hock, A.
Magerl, S. Köhler, A. Remhof, I. Matsouli, J.
Baruchel, "Time Resolved study on the Influence of
Ultrasonic Excitation in a Bragg Diffracting
September 1998: X-TOP conference, Durham, UK,
poster : Klaus-Dieter Liß, Agnès Royer,
Tapan Chatterji, "A high resolution hard X-ray
diffractometer and its application to the study of
magnetic phase transitions"
August 1998: 18th European Crystallographic
Meeting, Prag, talk : "Highly time resolved
study on the influence of ultrasonic excitation in a
Bragg diffracting crystal"
August 1998: 18th European Crystallographic
Meeting, Prag, poster : Klaus-Dieter Liß,
Agnès Royer, Tapan Chatterji, "A high resolution hard
X-ray diffractometer and its application to the study
of magnetic phase transitions"
July 1998: SPIE Conference on Time Structure of
X-Ray Sources and its Applications, San Diego,
California, talk : "The investigation of
ultrasonic fields by time resolved X-ray
27. January 1998: Lehrstuhl für Kristallographie
und Strukturphysik, Universität Erlangen, invited
talk : "Hochauflösende Beugung harter
Röntgenstrahlen zur zeitaufgelösten
Charakterisierung angeregter Ultraschallfelder in
November 1997: ESRF Users Meeting, poster
: K.-D. Liß, R. Hock, A. Magerl, B. Waibel, A.
Remhof, I. Matsouli, S. Köhler, J. Baruchel, "X-ray
diffraction on ultrasonically excited crystals with
highest resolution in time, space and momentum"
August 1997: 17th European Crystallographic
Meeting, Lissabon, poster : K.-D. Liss, A.
Magerl, R. Hock, A. Remhof, "The evolution of an
ultrasonic strain field followed by X-ray diffraction
with a 20 ns time resolution"
November 1996: ESRF Users Meeting, poster
: K.-D. Liß, A. Magerl, R. Hock, A. Remhof "The
evolution of an ultrasonic strain field followed by
diffraction with a 20 ns time resolution"
October 1996: European Conference of Neutron
Scattering, Interlaken, Schweiz, poster :
R. Hock, K. D. Liss, A. Magerl, A. Remhof,
"Diffraction with sound excited crystals"
March 1996: DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Regensburg,
poster : K.-D. Liß, A. Magerl, R. Hock, A.
Remhof "The evolution of an ultrasonic strain field
followed by diffraction with a 20 ns time
November 1995: ESRF Users Meeting, poster
: K.-D. Liss, A. Magerl, A. Remhof, R. Hock
"High-energy X-ray diffraction from ultrasonically
excited crystals"
9. May 9 1995, ESRF/ILL Meeting on Dynamical
Diffraction Theory and its Applications, Grenoble,
talk : "Neutron monochromators and the
competition of mosaic- and gradient crystals"
7. July 1994, ESRF/ILL Meeting on Dynamical
Diffraction Theory and its Applications, Grenoble,
talk : "Neutron- and X-ray diffraction on Si1–xGex
gradient- and step-crystals"
21. June 1994, ESRF/ILL Meeting on Dynamical
Diffraction Theory and its Applications, Grenoble,
talk : "On the reflection curves of gradient
crystals and stratified crystalline mediums"
October 1993, Verbundtreffen Neutronen,
Benediktbeuren, Germany, poster : K.-D.
Liß, A. Magerl, T. Springer: "Herstellung und
Beugungseigenschaften von Si1–x Gex
May 1993, PTB/ILL workshop on Bragg-optics,
Braunschweig, Germany, talk : "Can a
gradient crystal compete with a mosaic crystal on a
powder diffractometer?"
March 1993, EPS/DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Regensburg,
Germany, poster : K.-D. Liss, A. Magerl, T.
Springer, R. Madar: "Fabrication and diffraction
properties of Si 1–xGex
gradient crystals"
October 1992, ILL-seminar, St. Hugues, France,
talk : "High-energy X-ray diffraction on
massive Si 1–xGex gradient
September 1992, École thématique sur les effets
de gradients internes dans les semiconducteurs,
Montpellier, France, talk : "Diffraction
rayons X à haute énergie sur des cristaux
massifs SiGe"
Spring 1992, ILL-Seminar, Grenoble, talk
: "Growth of Si1-xGex gradient
crystals and their high-energy X ray diffraction
July 1990, E21-Seminar, TU München, Garching,
Germany talk about my diploma thesis
Spring 1990, DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Regensburg,
Germany talk about in-situ experiments on
oxygen precipitations in silicon